Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Perseverance Of a thought." Oh Joyful Obsessions!!!!"

Ti's the season to be overwhelmed with the grandeur of LIGHTS,MUSIC,SMELLS,and FAKE SMILES!

We've had an interesting season with the boys. Now, let me first mention how much I believe my boys are indeed Blessed to have the minds they have. In a television appearance I had some time ago, I mentioned that I felt that Children like mine and I quote..."Are the Great Minds of their generation". A wee bit dramatic for ya? Well, suffice to say.... People seem to think I'm nuts to have this mind set. That somehow it's how my denial manifested... Into dramatic optimism!!!!
It's pretty tough to deny Autism.....Isn't it? It is so incredibly obvious and all consuming.WHY? Because it is a way of being. That's why. It is the Human experience magnified.And, it very much affects the lives of the individual and those who love them. So, denial seems a bit ridiculous.
 It's like trying to avoid the 'Pink Elephant ' sitting at your dinner table (That is if you can get that elephant to even sit!lol) C'mon ya'll..... Simmer down now. ;^)
Now, where was I? Right... The season of med changes!!! Through the journey of seemingly endless nights and crippling moments ... We tried the GCF diet, we loaded the boys up on Omega's and DHA. We pumped them with B-12 and everything else you can imagine next to Chelation and Bio Med feedback. Some families are very successful with these therapies. And that is fabulous! However; Our little men found no comfort in these and with R having been know as "THE MOST AGGRESSIVE" child with Autism the Ped's at the Children's Hospital had EVER know we felt helpless and began  with the prescribed anti-psychotics... @ the tender age of ... Ready for it? 3yrs. He raged from the time he woke in the morning until well after 11pm. EVERY SINGLE DAY from the time he was 12mos until 4.5yrs of age. He currently is called a "Complex Case" and had extra funding for 2 aides to be with him @ all times in school. We tried the gamut of drugs,,, Risperidone,Mood stabilizers (Anti Seizure Meds),Stimulants,SSRI's,and more Anti-psychotics, Melatonine and when that no longer had effect.. Trazodone for sleep.
 He is verbal however; Difficult to understand. He has the BEST sense of  humor and can light up a room with his unbelievable smile!!! ;^)  In fact this week he kissed me for the very 1st time! It made me weak in the knees!!! He actually kissed my knee BTW. Why the knee?...Who knows. But, it was real. And I reveled in his gaze that seemed to last forever but most likely was only for a second.
In about an hour I have yet another meeting with the Principal about his behaviors and ... "Choice Language"  he's been using @ school. The staff claim to "Fear For Their Safety" which pains me. These are wonderful women who truly adore R! The school is doing their best to accommodate him and include him and because I am such mouth piece.. They push the academics with him and he has proven to be quite the little reader and his printing is quite legible. It's thrilling because I got a shwack load of "Eye rolls" whence I told the teacher what my expectations were of not only him but of her as well. ;^) Then I flashed her a smile and gave her some gift certificates to a well known coffee shop!
 My boys WILL go to College. They WILL be productive members of society. They WILL find a life partner (If they so choose). They WILL enjoy life!
 It all starts right here. Right now. These are the days that fertilize their future. And, I WILL NOT stand back and let things "slide". It's difficult for my boys. Everything is. It always will be. But I believe I was chosen to raise them up to help them fulfill what they are designed and destined to be....

Cheers to a FABULOUS day!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Darling,
    I have watched R over the past few years. Seen him go from a 'child who would never speak' to this awesome little man who was so proud to show me his spelling test. Which I must add, for all of you reading... He nailed it. I took a picture and showed my husband. He knew it was R's test but he said his writing is better than mine! (Thanx hun!)
    This boy who when I first met him, would not be near me, now gives me high fives.
    This is proof that you are not nuts, and you are not in denial. You have admitted that life is and always will be diffrent for them but it has already been proven that anything is possible. a few years ago, they thought he would never talk...ummm...I had a conversation with him just the other day. Not one or 2 works but a real back and forth discusion about a topic I chose. And I understood every word he said.
    Proof that he will be great!
    As for life partners and all that....I just wanna survive grade 5! That scares me bad enough right now! lol
    Love ya girl!
